A LinkedIn Engagement Plan for People Who Have Better Things to Do than Be On LinkedIn
In today's hyperconnected world, effective utilization of LinkedIn is more critical than ever to foster professional growth and expand your network.
However, managing your LinkedIn presence doesn't have to be a time-consuming affair. A strategic plan that demands minimal effort but yields maximum impact is all you need.
This LinkedIn Engagement Plan is designed specifically for busy professionals seeking to strengthen their LinkedIn presence, expand their network, stand out with recruiters, and effectively engage with their peers in just 45 minutes each week and a few hours each month.
By following this plan, you can easily transform LinkedIn from a mere tool to an indispensable ally in your professional journey!
Weekly Plan (total time: 45 mins)
Content Engagement (15 mins/week): Engage with content your peers, or peers you aspire to join, on LinkedIn. This could be liking, commenting, or sharing posts from your network, industry influencers, or relevant groups.
Network Expansion (15 mins/week): Look for and connect with people in your industry or with similar roles. Personalize each invitation with a note about why you want to connect.
Posting Regular Updates (15 mins/week): Share a piece of industry-relevant content or an update about your work. This can be an article, a brief thought, or a longer post discussing recent trends or challenges in your industry.
Monthly Plan (total time: 3 hours)
Original Content Creation (1 hour/month): Write at least one detailed, thought-leadership post or article about a current trend or issue in your industry. This could also be lessons learned, case studies, or insights from your own experience.
Active Participation in Groups (1 hour/month): Join and actively participate in relevant LinkedIn groups where peers you want to be “seen by” may go for information, networking, opportunities, or resources. Share your insights and interact with other members' posts.
Review and Reach Out to Recruiters (1 hour/month): Search for and reach out to relevant recruiters on LinkedIn. Send a polite, professional message expressing your interest in potential opportunities.
Remember, two things. One, consistency is key, and two, people are much more likely to find your profile on LinkedIn if you put yourself out there.
There are currently 930 million members on LinkedIn and supposedly less than 10% of those are “actively” sharing on the platform. To get more visible, share, engage with others, and interact meaningfully. As an active member of LinkedIn, you’re more likely to be seen.
Getting seen means it’s more likely to connect with the right kind of people who can open up new opportunities for you.
Maintain a regular presence on LinkedIn, and share valuable thoughts and insights that will help your peers, colleagues, those who are new to the industry, and those who have already been around awhile.
Avoid spamming or excessive self-promotion. The key is to add value.
With this plan, you should see an increase in visibility and engagement over time. As with everything, the more you put into it, the more you’ll get out of it.
If you try this plan out, let me know how it goes! Schedule a call with me here to talk!